AusGeoTIFF are raster images of the Australian Paper Chart Series in GeoTIFF format. The product was developed to provide a geo-referenced chart image backdrop for use in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and image viewing systems. It can be used for any application provided that it is not used for navigational purposes.

Tech Specs

GeoTIFF is a raster image format that is an extension of the TIFF (Tagged-Image File Format) image standard. GeoTIFF images contain additional information that allow them to be tied to known chart projections. It also allows Geographical Information Systems (GIS) packages to automatically register and display the raster images in their correct location on the earth's surface. For each GeofTIFF chart requested, you will receive a directory containing:

  • GeoTIFF chart images
  • A TIFF overview chart image
  • A Chart information text document
  • A Header file for each data set

Learn more: [ Brochure 5 PDF]



View GeoTIFF images on any image viewing system capable of displaying images in GeoTIFF and/or TIFF version 6.0.

Learn more: [ Brochure 6 PDF]


The complete set of Australian navigational chart images is available. You may order the complete chart series or select individual charts. The images are provided under a licensing agreement and are watermarked with a unique licence number. Site Licences are also available.

Learn more: [ Brochure 1 PDF]

For further information about AusGeoTIFF, you should contact:

Licensing Manager
8 Station Street
Wollongong NSW 2500
Fax: +61 (0) 2 4223 6597


You will be licenced to use AusGeoTIFF for the purposes you state in your application. By signing a licencing agreement, you are also agreeing to protect AusGeoTIFF images from illegal copying.

Learn more: [ Brochure 2 PDF]


The Australian Paper Chart Series is continuously updated for 'Notice to Mariners' (NtMs). These updates include previously uncharted features or altered features that may be hazardous to navigation. Monthly Update and Periodical Service update options are available to automatically update your charts for NtM's.

Learn more: [ Brochure 3 PDF]


Prices are calculated on the number of charts you select. Update service costs are also based on the number of chart images you select in your update folio. To calculate prices, please refer to the Pricing Tables in Brochure 4 PDFor use the Pricing Calculator below.

Some organisations or individuals may not have to pay the full AusGeoTIFF price. Reductions or waivers may be granted to the following kinds of applicants:

  • some Commonwealth, State and Local Government organisations,
  • academic research,
  • some educational publications (such as school text books or examination papers),
  • organisations who provide significant material to us without charge.

If you think that you might qualify for a waiver please contact us. You will also need to explain your reasons in full on your application form.

For orders over 400, price on application - please contact us: or 02 4223 6500

Where to Buy

AusGeoTIFF is only available from the Australian Hydrographic Office. To request Aus GeoTIFF images you will need to complete an Application Form PDF

AusGeoTIFF Evaluation Sample Data Cell

AusGeoTIFF are raster images of the Australian Navigational Series in GeoTIFF Format. The product was developed to provide a geo-referenced chart image backdrop for use in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and image viewing systems. It can be used for any application provided that it is not used for navigational purposes. AusGeoTIFF is available from the Australian Hydrographic Office (AHO).

A free GeoTIFF sample data cell, covering an area of the approaches to Heard Island is available below for download and evaluation.

Terms & Conditions

The GeoTIFF cell is for evaluation purposes only and is NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION.

The data is also subject to copyright:

© Commonwealth of Australia

This work is copyright. Apart from uses permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 and uses permitted as a part of evaluating the data, no part may be reproduced by any process, adapted, exploited by the reverse engineering of formats or commercially exploited without prior written permission from the Commonwealth represented by the Australian Hydrographic Office.

Requests and enquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to the Licensing Manager, Australian Hydrographic Office, 8 Station Street, Wollongong NSW 2500 or by e-mail to

By downloading the AusGeoTIFF Sample the user agrees to the above terms and conditions. 



All comments, suggestions, enquiries or questions relating to this AusGeoTIFF Sample should be directed to:

Licensing Manager
Australian Hydrographic Office
8 Station Street
Wollongong 2500
Fax: +61 (0) 2 4223 6597 (attention: Licensing Manager)